Cotton Ball -


ZXMedical is A manufacturer and global supplier of Cotton Balls. The ShaoHu™ brand of Cotton Balls is internationally distributed and recognized for reliable quality and exceptional value. With distribution across developed and developing markets alike, our products are uniquely positioned as the brand of choice for medical professionals.

A cotton ball is a soft, fiber ball that is composed of the natural material cotton. Cotton balls have an array of medical uses, for example the cleaning of wounds when dabbed with disinfectants such as hydrogen peroxide or iodine, rubbing on antiseptics to treat septic wounds, topical ointments, cleansing cuts of any foreign material that may have entered the wound, and mopping up blood post invasive medical procedures such as an injection or blood sample collection. They are also useful for drying a local area of skin to prepare it for bandaging.  

Sterile cotton balls have been treated to ensure they are sterile. They are more suited for medical applications, for example applying disinfectant to a wound. Sterile cotton balls reduce the risk of any foreign contaminants picked up during the manufacturing process from entering a wound that is being treated with the cotton ball.

Non-sterile cotton balls have not been treated, and are not considered sterile. They are more suited to non-medical applications, such as household tasks. This includes soaking up a spill or cleaning purposes. For medical and cosmetic applications, sterile cotton balls are recommended.

Not only are cotton balls a staple piece of equipment in the medical world, but they can also be used for household tasks such as absorbing spills, or in cosmetics, such as makeup removal. Cotton balls are essential in any first aid kit, to rapidly apply disinfectant to any scratches or wounds. Our cotton balls are available as sterile or non-sterile, depending on application and preference.


Post time: 5月-16-2023
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